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La voilà ! Voilà la Carmencita !

Fan-art of Carmen (the opera of course, not the novella, because Carmen from the opera is so much better than her novella version. Fight me. Or please don't, I'm very bad at fighting)
This was painted as part of a mentorship with Cynthia Sheppard, and it was a great opportunity to go really in-depth with the preparation phase (and to pose in costume as Carmen aaaaand as every single one of these background characters)!

I was helped by kind people with an impressive knowledge of the uniforms that Spanish Dragoons wore in the early 19th Century... so I can proudly say that their uniforms are a lot more period-accurate than in your average representation of Carmen. Her dress very much isn't, though, because *artistic freedom* :)
Feel free to zoom in and look at all the tiny details!