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Cloud City

In Cloud City, the computers of the control tower follow a very strict procedure for the evaluation of incoming flying objects:
A: is it a bird?
B: is it a plane?
C: is it a flying man with a dubious fashion sense?
Based on the answer, they then proceed to:
A: catch it and put it in a cage.
B: guide it towards the nearest available landing runway.
C: guide him towards the nearest available clothes shop.

Needless to say, the arrival of the H.H.S. Swallow caused a lot of confusion, which eventually resulted in the ship being guided towards a cage full of clothes, in thousands of computers (and a few planes, too) crashing, and in a three month power outage across the entire city. Following these events, it was officially decided not to put children under the age of five in charge of coding the control tower programs anymore, no matter how good they may be with crayons.